Dealing with social isolation is one of our biggest challenges now. Coach Ann Delmar explains how important it is to stay focused on wellbeing. Also, check out this publication from the WHO: Mental Health Considerations during COVID-19 Outbreak.
The following activities can improve the social and physical wellbeing of your residents and staff even while socially distanced. Assign a staff member as the wellbeing organizer each day. They can print these ideas and lead activities to build community in ways that are fun too!
Social Connection Wellbeing
Each day distribute a question of the day and a brain teaser for the day. Encourage all residents to write their answers on sticky note pad and post on their doors. You can then leave them up and/or type up a compiled list. Some of the questions may generate helpful tips for how to LiveWell while practicing social distancing. Make sure staff and residents participate by inviting input by all. It might be fun to collect then create areas of community to post questions and responses on walls that all can enjoy when we are once again able to live in closer proximity to one another!
Question Suggestions:
What is one thing you enjoy doing while you are alone?
How are you demonstrating the love you feel for friends and family at this time?
Can you share two things that made you laugh recently?
Brain Teasers
It is illegal in Georgia to do what with a fork? (eat fried chicken)
The average person does what 13 times a day? (laughs)
The first puck used in the game of ice hockey was made out of what? (frozen cow manure)
Physical Wellbeing
These 4 movements can be used safely by all seniors. They can be completed while standing or sitting. If it is possible for your community to complete these exercises together, door frames could serve to stabilize those who generally use walkers. Make it fun by designating a staff member to bring some music to a hallway and demonstrate movements communally on occasion to help establish daily movement patterns.
The most critical daily movement for seniors:
Kicking – 3x each foot
Marching – 3x each foot
Pushing Up – 3 times total
Reaching and Looking Up – 3 times total
Complete each movement 3 times to complete one circuit.
Repeat the full circuit 3 to 5 times several times a day.
What have you tried in your community? Let me know and we’ll share what other communities are doing. Just click on my name below to email me with suggestions or questions related to any of what I’ve shared.
Coach Ann